Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Most important information you will ever see in your life.

Introducing the Government of The United States of America. The American Nationals for The United States of America have the evidence in the link embedded in this message as to why the Government of The United States of America is a legitimate Government and should be recognized by the International Community. It also explains why America appears in other countries to be a totalitarian dictatorship rather than the light of the free world. The American Nationals are dedicated to restoring and have restored legitimate Government for The United States of America, her original Confederacy. All the American Nationals are asking is for a chance to prove to the rest of the world that freedom is not lost to all.  The information that is offered shall explain that there have been imposters that have stolen the true riches of this country and have been using that unjust enrichment against the rest of the world to enslave its people.  The American Nationals are asking for acceptance and acknowledgement of the Government of The United States of America, the original Confederacy so that the light of freedom for everyone in the world has not been extinguished.  The inheritance of L.C. Payseur has been hijacked and stolen by the trustees and all of the evidence is in this link within all of the documents ready for download as soon as your country desires to witness the truth. Thank you for your time and attention.
