Wednesday, September 19, 2012

International Public Notice

The general post office for The United States of America has nothing to do with implementing this form entitled below, nor is the document connected to this particular general post office: 


                From this moment forward the Executor shall administrate this estate under the protection of the Crown under the Laws of Great Britain and the general post office.

Nor any other documents that are generated by James Thomas McBride, a self proclaimed  "Post Master General of North America" and claims to hold the Seventh Key of St. Peter.  The self proclaimed "Savior of the world" will charge you 5 ounces of silver and $200.00 per seminar. If he was truly who he says, and backed by the Vatican, no fee would be necessary. Watch out folks, James Thomas McBride is using the Vatican City Coat of Arms, although, it is not necessarily a bad thing, the Office of the Post Master General Divine Province cannot be a Sovereign Country under the  Coat of Arms of another Jurisdiction. That is the Law of the Flag folks and you cannot get around that Law. Please do not confuse the general post office for The United States of America with James Thomas McBride.   

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Public Key for the General Post Master Council for The United States of America


Alternative messaging system:

Correction in the postings

An old posting about the PanTerra Association was for some reason re-posted by Google. This must have been a computer glitch and the committee neglected to remove that posting because we just forgot about it.  So please ignore the posting and General Post Office, L.D.C. does not have anything to do with nor is affiliated with the PanTerra Organization.

Thank you