Saturday, October 13, 2012

Notice of Dissolution of the Private Attorney General Association for The United States of America

International Notice

The International Community is hereby on Notice of the Dissolution of the Private Attorney General Association for The United States of America. (hereinafter PAGA).  The entity has run its course and has not been proven effective through its existence. It shall be replaced within the next week with a more efficient and familiar entity that will better conform to the needs of the RESIDENTS of The United States of America and the affirmed American Nationals, furthermore the entity will better serve the International Community as a whole.  PAGA was originally created by the Committee of the General Post Office, L.D.C. as an experimental Association of which the Association known as PAGA was dissolved on September 8th, 2012. The Committee has yet to witness the Associations positive contribution to the International Community. The Committee, through its experiment, observed constant threats of placing liens on judges and arresting other trusts and basically using the Association as a battle ground by the the former Presidents of the Association which was never the intention of the Committee when PAGA was formed. Therefore, the Committee has decided to dissolve this experiment and give the International Community Notice of the dissolution.  If the International Community witnesses anyone using the name PAGA or the Private Attorney General Association for The United States of America, its former Seals, phone number, or, or Letter Head, just realize that the man that formerly held the office of the President of the Private Attorney General Association for The United States of America is having a hard time letting go and to just ignore anything he writes or claims. Furthermore, if anyone poses or claims to be a member of PAGA, consider those claims to be fraudulent because the organization no longer exists.  Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.

The Committee of the General Post Office, L.D.C.