Friday, April 27, 2012

The General Post Articles, as amended

                                           General Post Articles, as amended

We, the General Post Masters for the private general post office, the International Public General Post Office are within the metes and bounds, boundaries, borders, and sea-ward boundaries of The United States of America and serve the Signatory Independent States of The Articles of Confederation, as amended within said boundaries. The General Post Office is the Office that binds The United States of America and the Grantors, the people thereof through maintaining the line of communications within The United States of America under the laws of The United States of America, and 

                                      Duties and Responsibilities of the General Post Master
                                                                   Article one:
A: The General Post Master routes, delivers and stores private messages, and
B: Make change or liquidates for Full Title Currency Claims in the form of coubits. Establish and fulfill the office of foreign currency exchange. Carryout the obligations and duties of the General Post Office Bank at the direction of the Board of Directors for The General Post Office Bank, and
C: Maintain the instruments used for electronic mail and mail by and between the families within the
Free Trade Zones within The United States of America, and
D: Establish Seats of Government, and erect buildings for Public Service, and
E: Make and Record Surveys and metes and bounds for New Independent States and maintain the
records for existing Independent States, and
F: Establish new rural free delivery routes and maintain the Records for existing rural free delivery
Routes, and
G: Record and Notarize all Public Documents including Verified Land Patent Claims, Affidavits for The General Post Master Settlement Board and the General Post Master Council for The United States of America in all Criminal and common law claims, and

H: Issue upon the testimony of two witnesses as to the verification of the identity of the DECLARANT, the-NON-SEC and NON-UCC “DRIVER’S LICENSE, Pass Ports, registration for non-commercial and Commercial Vehicles for the RESIDENT within The United States of America, and
I: Record on the International Public Record and maintain a verified copy of all Citizens and Nationals Affirmation Bonds in whatever form that may be, and render the services of the General Post Office to said Citizens, Nationals, Grantors, the people for The United States of America and all other Independent States within the Union of The United States of America if so requested, and
J: Record all Treaties made and agreed upon by the office for the Secretary for The United States of
America upon approval of the county government assemblies, and
Jurisdiction and Venue
A: The General Post Office has Judicial Jurisdiction through the three General Post Master Boards, and
B: The General Post Office for The United States of America has venue on the rural free delivery routes wherever they may be, and abuts all other venues and surveys and overlay surveys, and
C: The General Post Office is charged to share the rural free delivery routes with all Citizens and
Nationals for the fifty other Independent States for The United States of America where all Grantors, the people have travel as a matter of right, and
                                                                      Article two:
Each General Post Office within The United States of America retains its sovereignty, freedom and
independence, and every power, Jurisdiction and Right, Private, Public, Commercial, neutral, which is not expressly written in the original Confederation Articles called The Articles of Confederation for the purpose of supporting the Sovereign States within the Union, and
                                                                      Article three:
The United States of America has in the past entered into a firm league of friendship with the English
Citizens, the citizens of the United States, U.S. citizens, the Citizens and Nationals for the Independent States, All Indian Tribes, the Muurs, the Nationals for The United States of America, and any other body politic that may arise, to secure their common defense, to secure their Liberty, binding themselves to assist each other in the name of yahweh, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever, and shall be honored by these General Post Articles, and
                                                                       Article four:

The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and trade, support and investment among the
Free Grantors, the people for the Independent States, the free Grantors, the people within the
boundaries and borders of each of The United States of America, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives fromjustice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of any other body politic mentioned in Article three, and the Citizens and Nationals for each Independent State within the Union and shall have free ingress and regress easement to and from any other State for The United States of America and state for the United States of America, and any U.S. state and shall enjoy therein all the privileges and rights of trade and commerce, and shall have the authority to invest in the States, in the name of Yahweh, privately, and un-encumbered, and Judicial Authority
If any non- resident alien, guilty of crimes against any Citizen and National within any of the
Independent States, shall flee from justice, and be found in any of The United States of America, he or she shall upon demand of any General Post Master, upon the Governor of the State where he or she fled, be delivered up and removed to the nearest General Post Office or the General Post Master
Settlement Board thereof having jurisdiction of his or her crime, and
Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these General Post Offices and the General Post Master
Boards thereof for the records, acts and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every
other Independent States that are convened by strict Constitutional mandate, and
                                                                    Article five:

For the more convenient management of the general interests of The United States of America,
assemblies shall convene monthly within their counties, free and un-encumbered, with the powers of
survey of condemned houses, and redistribute the houses to able Grantors, the people for restoration
purposes, and with the claim of sweat equity, redeem the condemned houses and private property to
land patent status allocated to the able bodied Grantors, the people upon proof of claim of sweat
equity, and
                                                                    Article six:

No General Post Master without the consent of the office for the Secretary for The United States of
America shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter into any
conference, agreement, alliance or treaty with any king, prince, state or merchant; nor shall anyone
holding any private office of profit or trust, or any of them, accept of any present, emolument,
office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, foreign state or merchant; nor shall the county government assembly, or any of them, grant any title of nobility nor accept any place of honour, and

                                                                     Article seven:

All Grantors, the people within the boundaries and borders of The United States of America shall have un-encumbered use of any and all public property, as a matter of right, including public parks, national parks, public waters, public buildings, and
                                                                     Article eight:
Each General Post Master shall be entitled to compensation for services to The General Post Office in the liquidated amount of 450.00cb per day on a six day work week and is entitled to be compensated
for travel expenses when establishing General Post Offices around the various States for the
purpose of administering oaths or Affirmations for Citizen-National status or to fulfill any other duty
and responsibility within their respective Independent States or for National or RESIDENT status within The United States of America, and
                                                                     Article nine:
The Executive General Post Master Board or General Post Masters in assembly of three or
more reserve the right to amend, alter, or correct the General Post Articles, as amended to resolve any
un-foreseen conflicts that may arise in the future or remove any General Post Master from office, and
                                                             Oaths and Affirmations

All General Post Masters shall take the following Oath or Affirmation as a requirement for the office
for the General Post Master with the proper document heading for recognition before the proper
                                                    General Post Master Affirmation
I,__________________________________ , the undersigned inscriber, do swear or affirm that my
primary and foremost allegiance is to Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will live
for Him with my uttermost being. Second of that,
I, _________________________________, the undersigned inscriber, swear or affirm that I renounce and refuse all assumed or presumed allegiance to the King or Queen of Great Britain, to the corporate UNITED STATES, the Independent U.S. Military State and the Holy See Independent Religious State, and any political subdivisions thereof, or their heirs, successors and assigns known as the self-appointed elite, and will work with the ring of power as equals; I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to The United States of America, a nation unto itself, as long as the law of free will and choice is respected andupheld as established by the one true source; and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done, any matter or thing, that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and Independence thereof; and, also, that I will discover and make known to someone Citizen while holding the office for The General Post Master for The United States of America of the said State all treasonous or traitorous conspiracies which I now have or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of The United States of America. I will also abide by the constitution for The United States of America, as amended, and any other of the fifty Independent State Constitutions not in conflict with the The Articles of Confederation, agreed to by Congress, November 15th, 1777, ratified and in force March 1st, 1781, The Articles of Confederation, as amended, brought forward to the present time, 2012, The General Post Articles, as amended and A bilateral peacetime intellectual social compact agreement establishing the private organic Laws for The United States of America, as amended, and
Now therefore,
So solemnly affirmed, declared and promised on the ______________________ day, in the
year of Yahweh, six thousand and _______________, translation __________________ ___, 2012,
So done and amended in the name of yahweh, by the autograph of two witnesses, a cause is
established, on the thirty eighth day , in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and fifteen, translation date, April 28th , 2012, and



Post Master Council for The United States of America is offering a
reciprocity agreement to any country willing and able to enter into
and establish formal trade and commercial reciprocity agreements
with the general post office, the Official Government for The United
States of America. Such agreements will be for the purposes of
establishing proper diplomatic relations, protocol and reciprocal
cognizance of documents, rights and immunities of each high
contracting party.

With this Notice and offer, the governing Council for the general
post office (henceforth “the Council”) extends its greetings to the
world and the family of nations.
Recent events have taken place that will benefit all who read this
message. The Articles of Confederation (c. 1781) has been lawfully
and properly amended. In the original Articles of Confederation
(henceforth “Articles”) on page one, second paragraph, the Articles
begin with the following statement:
Article I. The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of
This is now amended to read: The Stile of this Confederacy shall be
“The United States of America,” as amended from “the thirteen
united States of America” and “the united States of America, as
amended.” (c. 2012)

Recently, a public debate has been opened by certain British
Attorneys, stating that the original Declaration of Independence
(July 4, 1776, henceforth “Declaration”) was illegal, although no
substantiation or supporting briefs for such claims have been put
forth. It is the official position of the Council that the undisclosed
reason for these claims is due to inconsistencies found in the
naming references in the Declaration and the Articles, which the
current amended version has properly addressed and resolved.

For instance, whenever one starts a new corporation, the Articles of
Organization for the new entity are sent to the Secretary of State in
the desired state jurisdiction. If the corporation has the name
“Widget, Inc.” and somewhere in the organizing articles it is written
“Widgets, Inc.” the paperwork will be returned in order to correct
the mistake and inconsistency.

”Widget, Inc.” and “Widgets, Inc.” are two separate and distinct
names, no matter how similar, and the law will not allow for such
inconsistency. The Secretary of State will properly reject the filing
based on the inconsistency. One cannot present and name two
separate entities in one filing; they have to be filed separately.
However, if “Widget, Inc.” is already filed and a notice of amendment
is subsequently filed to amend the name to “Widgets, Inc.” the
second amending filing will be accepted.

In the Declaration of Independence the heading establishes the
name of the declaring parties as [the unanimous Declaration of]
“the thirteen united States of America.” At the bottom of the
Declaration it reads: “Representatives of the united States of
America.” By this inconsistency the people have discovered and now
reveal to the world that two separate entities are referred to in the
Declaration and have not been legally tied together. This would
make the Declaration of Independence illegal as accused by the
British Attorneys, and therefore has no standing. The Articles of
Confederation came along with a third entity stiled “The United
States of America,” but was without a Declaration of Independence
because it was never connected to the other two entities with the
wording “as amended.” For over two hundred years the entities in
the Declaration of Independence were without a Constitution, and
the first Constitution was without a Declaration of Independence,
and around and around we go.

The Constitution of 1787, witnessed in1789, presented two more
contracting parties, “We the People of the United States”, who
established and ordained said constitution for “the United States of
America,” the latter being a fifth entity created within twelve years,
which was also without a Declaration of Independence.

King George III took advantage of this legal blunder by signing the
Treaty of Paris (1783) wherein it makes reference to King George III
as “arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire,
etc., and of the United States of America…” yet the entity, “the
United States of America”, did not exist for another six years
according to the historical record, first appearing as one of the
contracting parties in the Constitution c. 1787, wherein one party,
“We the People of the United States” did ordain and establish said
constitution for the other contracting party, “…the United States of

The establishment of the entity, “the United States of America” as
referenced in the constitution of 1787 was only witnessed by 39 of
the 74 delegates. There never occurred a vote by the delegates
under the Articles of Confederation, in Congress, assembled before
the purported New Constitution was sent to the States for
ratification; therefore not meeting the unanimous requirement of
the Articles to change the Government by the Delegates and the
States. Even if all of the States did ratify the purported New
Constitution, the States would have been in dishonor of the Articles
of Confederation.

Quote: Every State shall abide by the determination of the United
States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this
Confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this
Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the
Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time
hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed
to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed
by the legislatures of every State. End quote

This Act created an illegal separation and distinction from “The
United States of America” entity as the “stile” of the original

The United States of America first came into possession of land in
1784 by and through the first Northwest Ordinance of that year,
amended and expanded in the better known Northwest Ordinance
passed by the United States in Congress, assembled on July 13,
1787, a mere two months before the emergence of the Constitution
for the United States of America. As such, King George III gave title
to the land to his own Federal Government through the Treaty of
Paris (1783), and the people were told they were free and
independent under a New Federal Government. Further, the
Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 established a temporary
government for the territory made up of such states and land, and
recognized said territory as one district that could be expanded into
two districts at the discretionary choice of the United States. This
placed all citizens of the United States and of the states in federal
districts, and all other states brought in under “equal footing”
under the jurisdiction of such a “temporary” government, with the
proviso of such being expanded into a second district or many
districts spread throughout the states.

The people were now wrapped in a “temporary” government so that
there could be taxation without representation all over again just as
it was stated in the Declaration of Independence in the first place.
That condition still remains today. A close look at any Birth
Certificate will show that it reads somewhere on the document that
the child was born in a particular district, essentially a sub-division
of the primary districts created by the Northwest Ordinance.
One might ask: “Why was this a illegal act by King George III?” It is
because General Charles Cornwallis had already surrendered his
sword and returned to England. King George III did not have legal
claim to the land before the Treaty of Paris in 1783, nor did he have
the authority to grant any of the land in North America because
King George III had surrendered all such claim to the people
through conquest when General Charles Cornwallis surrendered his
sword, which was under the authority of King George III.
In present time, the people have accepted liability for the legal
inconsistencies, and have now corrected this critical oversight in
law, having done so by signing and becoming a party to the original
Articles of Confederation. Proper notice has been given for ninety
(90) days on the international level in order to perfect their
standing. These people now constitute the governing Council for
the general post office, the Official Government for The United
States of America, which has also been properly claimed and
established in international law. One must be a party to an
agreement through binding signature and proper notification before
they can change, alter or amend it. By virtue of these recent
historical acts, the people now have standing to return to their
original capacity in the Republic form of Government. All of the
people on American soil will have a chance to be a part of this
historic event in a short time as they now have a legal Independent
Nation stiled “The United States of America”.

The United States of America, with proper legal standing, status
and capacity, as established by the above enumerated points and
events authorizes the General Post Master Council for The United
States of America to offer the following terms and conditions for the
acceptance of this Reciprocity Agreement for Mutual Cognizance
and Diplomatic Exchange, pursuant to the Law of Nations, to any
and all nations to accept and to engage herewith, to wit:
1. The contracting country will accept the NON-SEC, NON-UCC
LICENSED, “DRIVER’S LICENSE”, Passport and other
documents of The United States of America, as well as the
monetary unit called the “coubit”. Reciprocally, The United
States of America will accept the Driver’s License (or
equivalent), Passport and other documents, and the
currency of the contracting country at an agreed upon
exchange rate.

2. The United States of America shall honor and respect the
visiting Citizens, Nationals, and RESIDENTS of the
contracting country with the utmost consideration, and
preserve all rights, privileges and immunities as are
afforded to the Citizens, Nationals, and RESIDENTS of The
United States of America.

3. The United States of America is offering a Universal World
Peace Treaty to any Nation, State, state and country willing
to be at peace with The United States of America. Let it be
known that The United States of America is at Peace with
all sovereign nations in the world.

4. The terms and conditions are subject to negotiation,
additions, changes or modifications as may be prudent and
proper between any such accepting contracting parties.

The United States of America has changed in and for a better World
for all. As The United States of America grows in population, so will
the value of its currency, which is a great investment for its future
international partners.

Respectfully offered to the World this Twenty-Seventh Day of the
Fourth Month in the Year Two Thousand Twelve.
General Post Master Council for
The United States of America

Monday, April 23, 2012

Support the John Birch Society

There have been a lot of really good people that have been victims of the Southern Poverty Law Center and are influencing the Local Police to believe you are against the Local Police, when really the Local Police are being used for a Political and Banking Agenda instead of their true purpose. Many of the State Police are being used for the same political and banking purpose. If you have been profiled as a anti-government group or a "Domestic Terrorist" and told by the Police that you fit that profile.  That profile is coming from the Southern Poverty Law Center that is funded to the tune of 12 million per year, per their organization profile and work closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigations thereby influencing the FBI agents, Local Police and State Police to treat America and the people as their enemy.  The  Southern Poverty Law Center is an extremely dangerous organization and is against America. The Southern Poverty Law Center hates Americans and what America stands for such as Truth and Freedom.  Be careful and please support the John Birch Society in their work on exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center for what they really are and who is really behind its Agenda. 

Thank you.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Letter of Acceptance

Letter of Acceptance

The General Post Master Council for The United States of America Council members together and separately hereby accepts the duties and responsibilities of the Judiciary for The United States of America. The General Post Master Council for The United States of America will convene when necessary to hear any valid complaint that has been filed by the proper party to resolve the conflict. The General Post Master Council for The United States of America will hear complaints on Treaty violations in accordance with Article VII, Section 2, and solve voting disputes in accordance with Article VI, Section 1, second paragraph and other Treaties entered therein with The Articles of Confederation, as amended on April 21st, 2012.

So accepted on the thirty first day in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and fifteen, translation, April 22nd, 2012.

          Signed by all members, signatures have been removed from this posting for security reasons.  There is a record of all who visit so all can be tracked.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Civil Registry

Introducing the Civil Registry for The United States of America.  The Committee for the General Post Office, L.D.C., a International non-profit, non-governmental organization have put together the Civil Registry at the request of that inter-governmental organization.  Many will ask: Where is the difference between this Government and all of the others?  Today, there is much confusion about the all cap NAME, some call it  a "straw man", some call it an account.  It does not really matter what it is called when a SEC licensed Clerk of the court starts monetizing that name as a private "legal entity", owned by a Trust recognized by the federal government. In the process a mortgage is created and you are stuck with the Bill.  Why is this wrong? Most of the monetized accounts are people that have not hurt anyone in their life. They could of filled a form out wrong or didn't have the proper identification in a certain situation which amounts to abuse and out right theft by the SEC licensed holder. Most of these people are thrown in jail and the taxpayer get to pay the Bill for housing that dangerous criminal. Wake up folks, it is just a matter of time before it happens to you. The Committee for the  General Post Office came up with a better idea, we can't destroy the private legal entity, many have tried and failed, however, you can move the all cap NAME by offering RESIDENCY in another venue and jurisdiction already established. The private legal entity will still have "civil rights", the man or woman will have "common law immunities" within this particular jurisdiction and venue. You can only have "RESIDENCY" for your private legal entity in one place at a time. You cannot have RESIDENCY in two separate jurisdictions or venues. It is required that you have a "RESIDENCY DECLARATION" to change "RESIDENCY".  A RESIDENT CERTIFICATE is issued, a few more steps in the process and it is done. The General Post Office is dedicated to helping the poor, one way of accomplishing that goal is to offer solutions to keep the poor from being abused by the rich. If the poor are not abused anymore, they will no longer be poor.  You will have the proper credentials according  to International Standards and operate your private business like everyone else, you will be held responsible for any actual injury that you have caused to others. The credentials will be available within a couple of weeks.  The Committee is asking the General Public to think about this approach  and to offer any suggestions that you may have in mind. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this message. 

the Committee       

Monday, April 9, 2012

Treaty Offer

The Basic Treaty

The Basic Treaty aimed to establish good neighborly relations between The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America and granted de facto, albeit not de jure, legal recognition to the United States of the United States of America.

The High Contracting Parties,
Conscious of their responsibility for the preservation of peace,
Anxious to render a contribution to détente and security in America.
Aware that the inviolability of frontiers and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all States in The United States of America within their present frontiers are a basic condition for peace,

Recognizing that therefore The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America have to refrain from the threat or use of force in their relations,

Proceeding from the historical facts and without prejudice to the different view of The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America on fundamental questions, including the national question, desirous to create the conditions for cooperation between The United States of America and the United States  of the United States of America for the benefit of the people in the metes and bounds of each,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America shall develop normal, good-neighborly relations with each other on the basis of equal rights.

Article 2

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America will be guided by the aims and principles laid down in the United Nations Charter, especially those of the sovereign equality of all States, respect for their independence, autonomy and territorial integrity, the right of self-determination, the protection of human rights, and non-discrimination.

Article 3

In conformity with the United Nations Charter, The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America shall settle any disputes between them exclusively by peaceful means and refrain from the threat or use of force.
They reaffirm the inviolability now and in the future of the frontier existing between them and undertake fully to respect each others territorial integrity.

Article 4

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America proceed on the assumption that neither can represent the other in the international sphere or act on its behalf.

Article 5

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America shall promote peaceful relations between each other and contribute to security and cooperation in America.

Article 6

 The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America proceed on the principle that the sovereign jurisdiction of each is confined to its own Trust Territory. They respect each others independence and autonomy in their internal and external affairs.

Article 7

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America declare their readiness to regulate practical and humanitarian questions in the process of the normalization of their relations. They shall conclude agreements with a view to developing and promoting on the basis of the present Treaty and for their mutual benefit cooperation in the fields of economics, science and technology, transport, judicial relations, posts and telecommunications, health, culture, sport, environmental protection, and in other fields.

Article 8

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America shall exchange Permanent Missions. They shall be established at the respective Government's seat. Practical questions relating to the establishment of the Missions shall be dealt with separately.

Article 9

The United States of America and the United States of the United States of America agree that the present Treaty shall not affect the bilateral and multilateral international treaties and agreements already concluded by them or relating to them.

The United States of America states for the record:
"Questions of national citizenship are not regulated by the Treaty."

general post office for The United States of America

The purpose of the general post office has a rich history in The United States of America in a Confederacy form of Government, not to be confused with the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.  The difference between a Democracy and Confederacy is very simple, in a Democracy, government is in every aspect of your life including controlling your business. In a Confederacy, the Government is self-sustaining and protects your rights and privacy. Everyone has a right to choose their form of Government which is done by oath or affirmation to that form of Government. Failure to do so or make that choice, a choice will be made for you. All Governments are started by the general post office, that is why the organization has been re-created and is now Internationally recognized to assist you in your political choice if you choose to make a choice.  The general post office is on  a peace keeping mission especially in the field of complimentary currencies.  The general post office is ready to recognize all complimentary currencies/local currencies and is ready to establish a central hub for trade of "alternative" currencies. The general post office is inherently charged with this responsibility along with addresses which include the rural free delivery routes abandoned by the USPS just a short time ago. The general post office has claimed that survey and is now the Trust Territory of the general post office. The only part that is missing is you. Please feel free to ask questions and the Committee will do its best to give a comprehensive answer.   Any negative or non-productive questions will be deleted immediately. Ask the general post office about  our RESIDENT registration  program for those seeking to exercise their right of self -determination in a Confederacy form of Government within the original "The United States of America".  To learn more, visit