Introducing the Civil Registry for The United States of America. The Committee for the General Post Office, L.D.C., a International non-profit, non-governmental organization have put together the Civil Registry at the request of that inter-governmental organization. Many will ask: Where is the difference between this Government and all of the others? Today, there is much confusion about the all cap NAME, some call it a "straw man", some call it an account. It does not really matter what it is called when a SEC licensed Clerk of the court starts monetizing that name as a private "legal entity", owned by a Trust recognized by the federal government. In the process a mortgage is created and you are stuck with the Bill. Why is this wrong? Most of the monetized accounts are people that have not hurt anyone in their life. They could of filled a form out wrong or didn't have the proper identification in a certain situation which amounts to abuse and out right theft by the SEC licensed holder. Most of these people are thrown in jail and the taxpayer get to pay the Bill for housing that dangerous criminal. Wake up folks, it is just a matter of time before it happens to you. The Committee for the General Post Office came up with a better idea, we can't destroy the private legal entity, many have tried and failed, however, you can move the all cap NAME by offering RESIDENCY in another venue and jurisdiction already established. The private legal entity will still have "civil rights", the man or woman will have "common law immunities" within this particular jurisdiction and venue. You can only have "RESIDENCY" for your private legal entity in one place at a time. You cannot have RESIDENCY in two separate jurisdictions or venues. It is required that you have a "RESIDENCY DECLARATION" to change "RESIDENCY". A RESIDENT CERTIFICATE is issued, a few more steps in the process and it is done. The General Post Office is dedicated to helping the poor, one way of accomplishing that goal is to offer solutions to keep the poor from being abused by the rich. If the poor are not abused anymore, they will no longer be poor. You will have the proper credentials according to International Standards and operate your private business like everyone else, you will be held responsible for any actual injury that you have caused to others. The credentials will be available within a couple of weeks. The Committee is asking the General Public to think about this approach and to offer any suggestions that you may have in mind. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this message.
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